

  •  OPCOM: REMIT eng

    Important! Open letter on the implications of the revision of Regulation (EU) No 1227/2011 on REMIT data reporting aspects and notification obligations

    • Regulation (EU) No. 1106/2024
    The revised Regulation on Wholesale Energy Market Integrity and Transparency (EU Regulation 2024/1106), published today in the Official Journal of the European Union, enters into force on 7 May 2024.


    „Europe has an EU-wide legal framework (generally called ‘REMIT’) designed to prevent and protect consumers and business against market abuse in the European electricity and gas markets. The revised REMIT takes effect from 7 May 2024. For a short overview on the revised REMIT, see here.”

    28.02.2023 – REMIT Implementation update

    23.02.2023 – REMIT Implementation update

    20.12.2022 – REMIT Implementation update

    10.08.2022 – REMIT Implementation update


    04.05.2022 – REMIT Implementation update


    01.04.2022 – REMIT Implementation update


    REMIT Implementation update


    15.12.2021 – REMIT Implementation update


    REMIT Implementation update


    REMIT Implementation update

    REMIT Implementation update

    REMIT Implementation update

    REMIT Implementation update

    REMIT Implementation update

    REMIT Implementation update

    ACER publishes updated guidance to facilitate REMIT transaction reporting

    REMIT Implementation update

    REMIT Implementation update

    REMIT Implementation update

    REMIT Implementation update

    REMIT Implementation update

    REMIT Implementation update

    An online stakeholder workshop on ACER REMIT fees was held on 15 July 2020. This event complements the public consultation (open from 8 June to 31 August 2020) on the fees that will be due to ACER under Article 32 of the ACER Regulation (EU) 2019/942 (https://ec.europa.eu/info/law/better-regulation/have-your-say/initiatives/12406-CommissionDecision-setting-the-fees-due-to-ACER-for-tasks-under-REMIT/public-consultation). A Summary minutes, including the presentations, are available here and the document will also be published on the European Commission's "Have your say" website, on the page dedicated to this topic, respectively Energy market regulation – fees to be paid to European agency ACER.

    Europex response – REMIT fee design & implementation consultation

    On 24 July 2020, Europex published the response to the European Commission’s questionnaire regarding the preparation of the Decision setting the fees due to ACER for collecting, handling, processing and analysing of information reported under Article 8 of REMIT. The paper covering Europex feedback in extenso is available on Europex website at : https://www.europex.org/consultation-responses/europex-response-remit-fee-design/

    OPCOM would like to remind you that the European Commission, Directorate-General for Energy (DG Energy), in consultation with ACER, has launched a public consultation on the planned Commission Decision setting the REMIT fees. It can be accessed via the following link:


    The feedback period ends on 31 August 2020.

    REMIT Implementation update

    REMIT Implementation update

    REMIT Implementation update

    REMIT Implementation update

    The application for standard contracts reporting (machetaSTD) has been updated; this version of the application implements the new rule for identifying a reported transaction recently activated in the Agency’s Reporting Information System (ARIS). Please refer to „User Manual - Macheta STD”, version 2.3.

    Also from the date of the announcement, please use the following versions of the applications:

    ACER update on Brexit implications for REMIT

    “The United Kingdom (UK) leaves the European Union today. However, until 31 December 2020, the so-called transition period applies. During the upcoming eleven months the UK will become a third country, but the EU rules will continue to apply, including the Regulation on wholesale energy market integrity and transparency (REMIT).

    During the transition period, Market Participants registered in the UK do not need to register yet in one of the remaining 27 Member States. They are also obliged to report UK REMIT data to ACER as specified in the REMIT Implementing Regulation and the ACER guidance.

    There is no indication that the transition period will be extended. Therefore, as of January 2021 UK market participants willing to continue entering into transactions or placing orders to trade in the European Union's wholesale energy markets will have to register in one of the remaining 27 EU Member States.

    In the coming eleven months, ACER will continue monitoring the application of EU law to/in the UK and will closely monitor developments in preparation for the end of the transition period. ACER will also engage and provide input as necessary with/to the European Commission.”

    (source: ACER News 31/01/2020)

    ACER launches new webforms to facilitate REMIT stakeholder communication

    “The European Union Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators (ACER) launches today newly designed online forms to facilitate communication with REMIT stakeholders.”

    „An efficient and user-friendly communication with stakeholders is essential to ACER. In the field of REMIT, the Agency interacts with over 120 Registered Reporting Mechanisms, 80 Organised Market Places, more than 14,000 Market Participants and 13 Inside Information Platforms.”

    For more information please visit the following link.

    (source: ACER Infoflash 3 February 2020)

    IMPORTANT: ACER updates validation rules under REMIT

    The Agency is continuously working on improving data reporting guidance to facilitate market participants’ (MPs) compliance with their reporting obligations under the Regulation on wholesale market integrity and transparency (REMIT). In order to do so, new validation rules on gas and electricity transportation data will be implemented. Similarly, to other data types, the rules will require that the reported Energy Identification Code (EIC) type X which is used to identify a market participant in the reported data is registered in the Centralised European Register of Market Participants (CEREMP).

    The Agency has already publicly communicated the issue of ‘reporting of inactive, wrong, non-existent and not registered EIC X codes in fundamental and transportation data’ in its 2nd Open Letteron REMIT data quality on 19 July 2018. The Agency would like to urge market participants once again to ensure the usage of only one EIC X code when entering into transactions that are reportable according to the REMIT Regulation. The same EIC X code must be registered in CEREMP. MPs should ensure their compliance with the above-mentioned rules by 30 June 2020.

    The Agency intends to activate validation rules in the second half of 2020, the exact date will be communicated in due time. Upon the activation of the rule, all reported records containing EIC codes as identifiers of MPs that are not present in the CEREMP will be rejected. By the time the validation rule enters into force, the Agency will have provided more than two years for MPs to ensure their compliance with the EIC code reporting.

    The Agency will communicate the non-compliant codes reported during Q1-Q3 2019 to Registered Reporting Mechanisms (RRMs) and National Regulatory Authorities (NRAs) to further facilitate MPs’ compliance by June 2020. The Agency would also like to remind MPs that all EIC codes used for REMIT reporting are considered international and as such should be published on the list managed by the central issuing office (ENTSO-E).

    About REMIT
    REMIT introduced a sector-specific legal framework for the monitoring of wholesale energy markets. The objective is to detect and to deter market manipulation. Energy trading is screened at EU level to uncover abuses. Market integrity and transparency are essential for well-functioning energy markets and for promoting the confidence of market participants and final consumers.

    (source: ACER Infoflash 10 January 2020)

    ACER suspends processing of pending applications for registration of REMIT reporting parties

    A level of resources incommensurate to its demanding workload, particularly with regard to its activities under the Regulation on wholesale energy market integrity and transparency (REMIT) has finally forced the European Union Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators (ACER) to suspend, with immediate effect, the processing of the pending applications for registration of reporting parties as Registered Reporting Mechanisms (RRMs).
    In order to maintain an acceptable level of operational standards in its REMIT implementation, in the last few years the Agency had carried out a wide-ranging re-prioritisation of its activities with regard to data reporting to limit the impact on the continuous collection, management and sharing of high-quality data under REMIT in the most efficient and effective way with the human resources available.
    ACER has currently registered 120 reporting parties as RRMs, reporting more than 3 million records of transactions on average per day. Any further registration of RRMs would go beyond the number of registered reporting parties expected in the European Commission’s legislative proposal for REMIT. The number of registered RRMs is already exceeding by far the number of approved reporting mechanisms in other European and national transaction reporting regimes. ACER is nevertheless still faced with a number of new applications for the registration as RRMs, but it lacks the human resources to process these applications.
    In ACER’s view, there is a limited need for the registration of additional RRMs as the more than 14,000 Market Participants registered with National Regulatory Authorities can already choose among the 120 registered RRMs, including third-party RRMs providing reporting services to Market Participants, to report on their behalf. The Agency may resume the processing of applications as soon as the necessary additional resources become available.

    (source: ACER Infoflash 18 November 2019)

    REMIT Implementation update

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    REMIT Implementation update

    REMIT Implementation update

    The "machetaDFG" application for REMIT reporting of Fundamental Data on natural gas (reporting by the Market Participant of storage activities) was updated as a result of the application of the ANRE Order no. 161/01.08.2018. Please refer to „machetaDFG
    Installation and user Manual”, version 1.0.

    Also from the date of the announcement, please use the following versions of the applications:

    REMIT Implementation update

    Having regard to the entry into force on August 1, 2018 of the ANRE President's Order no. 161/2018 regarding the modification and completion of the Network Code for the National Gas Transmission System approved by Order no. 16/2013 and specifically, the modification of the definition of Gas Day as follows:

    OPCOM informs market participants about the necessity to apply the new definition of Gas Day to the reporting process of standard contracts and fundamental data on gas (DFG) starting with 01.08.2018, the reporting / modification / cancellation procedures being those usually applied by market participants.
    In the particular case of DFG reporting, until the time of developing and testing the related DFG application and updating the user manual, for all reported data affected by this change, OPCOM will apply the new definition of the Gas Day in order to support the market participants to comply with the new regulation. In order to implement this modification, the participants have to upload the fundamental data on gas into the OPCOM reporting system starting with the date of entry into force of the ANRE Order no. 161/2018.
    Once the updated DFG application is released via the OPCOM website, market participants will be able to enter themselves the start time of the Gas Day in EET, CET or GMT.
    Regarding the reporting of the details of the trading activity on the markets managed by OPCOM, this will be done by OPCOM in accordance with the provisions of the ANRE Order no. 161/2018, which is in force as of 01.08.2018.

    REMIT Implementation update

    The application „machetaETR” for reporting relevant data regarding electrical energy transport contracts concluded on the secondary market has been published. Please refer to „machetaETR
    Installation and user Manual”, version 1.0.

    Also from the date of the announcement, please use the following versions of the applications:

    REMIT Implementation update

    REMIT Implementation update:

    IMPORTANT: REMIT Implementation update:

    REMIT Implementation update:

    REMIT Implementation update:

    REMIT Implementation update:

    The application for standard contracts reporting (machetaSTD) has been updated; this new version allows logical deletion of standard BACKLOADING type contracts previously reported and reporting of standard BACKLOADING type contracts. Please refer to „User Manual - Macheta STD”, version 2.2.

    Also from the date of the announcement, please use the following versions of the applications:

    ACER calls for stakeholders to participate in the Agency’s REMIT implementation roundtables:

    REMIT Implementation update:

    The application for non-standard contracts reporting (machetaNSTD) has been updated; this new version allows logical deletion of non-standard BACKLOADING type contracts previously reported and reporting of non-standard BACKLOADING type contracts. Please refer to „User Manual - Macheta NSTD”, version 2.1.

    Also from the date of the announcement, please use the following versions of the applications:

    REMIT Implementation update:

    The application for non-standard contracts reporting (machetaNSTD) has been updated. The reporting form for non-standard contracts is now available in Romanian and English. Please refer to „User Manual - Macheta NSTD”, version 2.0.
    Also from the date of the announcement, please use the following versions of the applications:

    REMIT Implementation update

    REMIT Implementation update

    12.06.2017 – The application for STD contracts reporting (REMIT) has been updated; The application for standard contracts reporting (machetaSTD) has been updated. The reporting form for standard contracts is now available in Romanian and English. Please refer to „Installation and utilization manual for STD contracts reporting form”, version 2.1.
    Also from the date of the announcement, please use the following versions of the applications:

    REMIT Implementation update

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    REMIT Implementation update

    REMIT Implementation update

    One month ahead: ACER is ready for 2nd phase of REMIT data collection

    On 7 April 2016, the obligation for market participants to report wholesale energy supply contracts executed over-the-counter, transportation contracts and additional fundamental data under the EU Regulation on Wholesale Energy Integrity and Transparency (REMIT) enters into application. This 2nd phase of data collection will complement the Agency’s data collection of wholesale energy market transactions, including orders to trade, executed at organised market places and of fundamental data from the European Networks of Transmission System Operators for electricity and gas that began 7 October 2015. In parallel with its effort to register reporting parties as Registered Reporting Mechanisms (RRMs), the Agency has provided a comprehensive set of guidance on transaction and fundamental data reporting. In addition, the Agency will publish further REMIT Q&As and FAQs on transaction and fundamental data reporting as required. Market participants should therefore be well prepared for the second phase of REMIT.

    Alberto Pototschnig, Director of ACER, emphasised that “the second phase completes the reporting of trade and fundamental data to the Agency, thus giving us the full picture of trading in wholesale energy markets in the EU. With this information, the Agency will be able to monitor these markets more effectively, to promote their integrity and transparency”. Find out more here.

    REMIT Implementation update

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    REMIT Implementation update

    REMIT Implementation update

    REMIT Implementation update 23.09.2015
    Example of xml file for REMIT reporting by RRM

    Instructions for accessing the Reporting System of RRM Opcom

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    09.07.2015 07.07.2015
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    REMIT implementation update


    • REMIT, Regulation (EU) No. 1227/2011

    REMIT is Regulation (EU) No 1227/2011 of the European Parliament and of the Council on wholesale energy market integrity and transparency. The Regulation was published on 8 December 2011 in the Official Journal of the European Union and entered into force 20 days following the publication, i.e. on 28 December 2011.


    „The goal of increased integrity and transparency of wholesale energy markets should be to foster open and fair competition in wholesale energy markets for the benefit of final consumers of energy.”

    • Implementing REMIT

    On 17th December 2014 the European Commission adopted the Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) No 1348/2014 on data reporting implementing Article 8(2) and Article 8(6) of Regulation (EU) No 1227/2011 of the European Parliament and of the Council on wholesale energy market integrity and transparency. Subsequently, on 18th December 2014 the Regulation was published in the Official Journal of the European Union and entered into force 20 days after publication, i.e. on 7th January 2015. The Regulation will trigger additional obligations for the market participants, among others the obligation to report details of wholesale energy products executed or organised market places, including standard contracts and orders to trade, matched and unmatched to the Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators (ACER). The obligation to report data admitted to trading at Organised Market Places will be in force as from 7th October 2015 while the obligation to report non-standard wholesale energy contracts will be in force as from 7th April 2016.


    In order to facilitate reporting, the Agency has drawn up a list of organised market places which the Agency will keep up to date. The list will enable market participants to identify relevant organised market places as reporting channels for transaction reporting.

    Market participants that enter into transactions which need to be reported to the Agency, shall register with the National Regulatory Authority (NRA) in the Member State in which they are established or resident or, if they are not established or resident in the Union, in a Member State in which they are active. A market participant shall register only with one NRA.
    NRAs shall transmit the information in their national registers to the Agency. Based on that information, the Agency establishes a European register of market participants which may be made public fully or partly.
    The publishing of the European register of market participants improves the transparency of wholesale energy markets. It also makes it possible for market participants to access information that they need in order to complete their registration, and to comply with their obligations under REMIT.
    The first publication of the European Register of Market Participants will take place on 17 March 2015 and it will be updated on a regular basis.
    ANRE has launched a public consultation on ORDER No. from _ _ regarding the National Register of Market Participants and the approval of the Market participants’ Registration Procedure

    More information could be found on web page of the Regulatory Authority for Energy (ANRE) and ACER.
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