

  •  OPCOM: PMC Prezentare EN
    LCM - Registration, Agreement, Procedure, Regulation


    Registration at Electricity market for large consumers

    At the Electricity Market for large consumers can be registered:

    Applicants will submit to OPCOM a letter of intent regarding the registration as a Participant at the Electricity market for large consumers, along with the following documents:

    Note: The Bailment Agreement is unique for access to CMBC-CN, DAM, GCM and LCM. If the participant has already signed the Bailment Agreement for at least one of the markets, only the annex to the Bailment Agreement can be filled.

    If the applicant is already registered on another centralized electricity market, will submit, as the case may be, only the additional specific documents to the Electricity Market for large consumers that were not previously submitted for registration for another centralized market, along with a statement on their own responsibility that the documents submitted in the previously registration process/processes are still in effect, fully applicable and do not require updating.
    If the applicant is not yet registered to another centralized electricity market, he will submit all the specific documents to the Electricity Market for large consumers (LCM documents).

    Note: To confirm the status of large consumer, the interested companies must submit in accordance with the provisions of the Procedure for the registration of participants in the centralized electricity markets administered by OPCOM SA - Annex 3, point 18, - „The aggregator, which combines the tasks of several end consumers, have to transmit the list of those end consumers and the total approved power based on the sum of the approved powers of the places of consumption of the aggregated final consumers which it includes as an annex to the participation agreement”. and point 22 - The document on the classification in the consumption category accepted by the Regulation on the organized framework for contracting electricity by large final consumers ”(Technical approval for connection to confirm an approved power greater than 8 MW).

    The steps to be taken by an applicant in the process of registering as a participant at the Electricity Market for large consumers are as follows:


    Regulatory framework for the Electricity market for large consumers:
    Note! In order to comply with the GDPR requirements, we kindly ask you to send the proposed Contract to sell-buy the electricity on LMC that are sent together with the initiating offer in order to be published on OPCOM’s website, without containing unsolicited personal data, espacially name, surname, telephone and email address.

    We announce the extension until June 20th, 2022 of the transitional period for maintaining the quality of LCM participant based on the Market participation Agreement signed for the LCM mechanism, form applicable until April 30th, 2022. Therefore, in order to maintain the quality of participant at LCM, the Market participation Agreement for LCM in the form applicable since May 1st, 2022, can be submitted until June 20th, 2022.

    IMPORTANT! Update of the LCM Participation Agreement.

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