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    Day Ahead Market for Natural Gas - About

    Day Ahead Market for Natural Gas (DAM-NG) is a component of the centralized natural gas market administered by the Operator of the Electricity and Natural Gas Market OPCOM S.A., on which daily natural gas transactions are performed, with delivery on the day following the trading day.

    The organization and functioning framework of the DAM-NG is stipulated in the Regulation concerning the organized trading framework on centralized markets for natural gas administrated by Gas and Power Market Operator OPCOM – S.A., approved by the Order of the President of the National Regulatory Authority for Energy no. 107/13.10.2021.

    The Regulation establishes an organized framework for trading of the natural gas in a competitive market by the DAM-NG participants, necessary to:

    Characteristics of the Day Ahead Market for Natural Gas:

    1. Conditions for participation
    1.  Trading sessions

    Offers submission stage

    Transaction conclusion stage

    * The hourly intervals by which the gas day is defined are in accordance with the definition in the Network Code for the National Gas Transmission System in force
    1. Confirmation of transactions and publication of results

    The trading schedule on DAM-NG is the following (Romania time):

    12:00 - 14:00 Offers submission stage
    14:00 - 14:10 Transaction conclusion stage
    14:10 - 15:40 Submission of Notes on the concluded transactions by OPCOM S.A. to TSO
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