



    ACER Decision No 11-2024 on amendments to the price coupling algorithm and the continuous trading matching algorithm. The document can be found on the ACER website at this link.

    Decision No 883/15.05.2024 concerning the establishment of the modalities for transferring the net positions resulting from the allocation of cross-border capacity between the Romanian and other bidding zones within the Single Intra-Day Coupling has been published.

    The document can be found here.

    Decision No 112/24.01.2024 approving the document " Arrangements concerning more than one NEMO in one bidding zone in accordance with Article 45 and 57 of the Commission Regulation (EU) 2015/1222 of 24 July 2015 establishing a Guideline on Capacity Allocation and Congestion Management", prepared by CNTEE Transelectrica SA, has been published. The document can be found here here.

    Publication of CACM Annual Report 2022

    All NEMOs published CACM Annual Report 2022 on intraday and day-ahead coupling.

    The report provides a comprehensive overview of the Single Day-Ahead Coupling (SDAC) and Single Intraday Coupling (SIDC) operations in 2022 and gives a broad outline of the current and future performance of market coupling algorithms and the R&D activities undertaken.

    First CACM annual report on intraday and day-ahead coupling was published in December 2019 outlining the work achieved by NEMOs and TSOs to ensure successful operations of market coupling solutions.

    Read the CACM Annual Report 2022 here.

    Publication of CACM Annual Report 2021

    • Please refer to the Press Release “All NEMOs publish CACM Annual Report 2021 on intraday and day-ahead coupling”.

    The documents can be found on the NEMO Committee’s website at this link

    Publication of CACM Annual Report 2019 and CACM Cost Report 2019

    Under the Commission Regulation (EU) 2015/1222 (CACM Regulation), Nominated Electricity Market Operators (NEMOs) and Transmission System Operators (TSOs) are required to publish an Annual Report and a Cost Report.
    The CACM Annual Report 2019 prepared by the NEMOs in cooperation with TSOs has been published on the All NEMO COMMITTEE website at this link.
    The CACM Cost Report 2019 which provides the costs of establishing, amending and operating for the Single Day-Ahead Coupling and Single Intra-Day Coupling was published on the 3rd of August 2020 and can be found on the All NEMO COMMITTEE website at this link.


    Today, all SDAC (Single Day-Ahead Coupling) and SIDC (Single Intra-Day Coupling) parties published the following announcement regarding the unprecedented situation regarding the impact of the COVID-19 outbreak:  

    COVID 19 outbreak – NEMOs and TSOs are safeguarding the Day-Ahead and Intraday market coupling

    People and businesses face an unprecedented situation with the COVID-19 pandemic impacting lives around the world.

    The highest priority for NEMOs and TSOs is to safeguard the health of their staff while ensuring the continuity of all their operations in the framework of Single Day Ahead Coupling (SDAC) and Single Intraday Coupling (SIDC).

    In respect to the Day-Ahead and Intraday market coupling, a wider variety of measures has been taken to safeguard stable operations. These include physical separation in respective operational teams and enabling NEMOs to run the Day-Ahead and Intraday sessions remotely. Several SDAC and SIDC parties have put in place a production environment freeze. For details on these measures please contact the individual TSOs and NEMOs.

    Although the COVID-19 outbreak situation changes from day to day, SDAC and SIDC expect no material impact on their ability to operate the relevant coupled Day-Ahead or Intraday markets under the current circumstances.

    The Communication note ”COVID 19 outbreak – NEMOs and TSOs are safeguarding the Day-Ahead and Intraday market
    coupling”  can also be found on the NEMO Committee (www.nemo-committee.eu) and ENTSO-E websites (www.entsoe.eu).


    • Please refer to the Decision of the European Union Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators No 05/2020 on all NEMOs’ proposal for products that can be taken into account by nominated electricity market operators in intraday coupling process​.

    The documents can be found on the ACER website at this link.



    • Please refer to the Decision of the European Union Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators No 04/2020 on the Nominated Electricity Market Operators’ proposal for the price coupling algorithm and for the continuous trading matching algorithm, also incorporating TSO and NEMO proposals for a common set of requirements.

    The documents can be found on the ACER website at this link.


    • ComTrader Setup Guide for M7 Trading system (MFG110)


    Organizing of the 4th Market Participant Training Sessions on M7 Trading System, the new trading solution for Intraday Market

    OPCOM organises prior to the XBID / SIDC trial period, which starts on 21.10.2019 and runs for a period of one week, the 4th training session, with a content identical to the sessions held between 09.10-10.10.2019, on which occasion we invite participants who did not respond to previous invitations or who wish to participate in this 4th session, to send the participation requests until Wednesday at 12:00 on the address pr@opcom.ro, using the following registration form. The training will be organized online on Friday, 18.10.2019 from 11:30 am to 2:00 pm.

    Publishing of the document "Questions and Answers regarding the activities in progress of implementation and launch in commercial operation of the new trading platform for the Intraday Market M7 Trading"

    Please refer to the document "Questions and Answers regarding the activities in progress of implementation and launch in commercial operation of the new trading platform for the Intraday Market M7 Trading" submitted within the three online training sessions organized between 09.10-10.10.2019 for market participants regarding the M7 trading system, as well as subsequently submitted.


    Market Participant Training Sessions on M7 Trading System, the new trading solution for Intraday Market

    We would like to inform you that OPCOM organized 3 online Market Participant Training Sessions on the 9th and 10th October 2019 regarding the M7 Trading System, the new trading solution for Intraday Market.

    The following documents were presented and discussed:


    Single Intraday Coupling (SIDC) - 2nd Wave Pre-Launch Event

    We would like to inform you about the 2nd Wave Pre-Launch Event of the Single Intraday Coupling which took place on the 1st October 2019 in Prague.
    Please refer to the documents presented and discussed on this occasion:


    Single Intraday Coupling (SIDC) - basic principles of the trial period

    We would like to inform you about the upcoming Trial Period of the 2nd Wave Go-Live of the Single Intraday Coupling which will enable continuous cross-border trading of electricity in the intraday timeframe across Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Romania and Slovenia.

    Updated information regarding the providing by OPCOM to the Romanian Intraday Market participants with continuous trading services based on M7 Trading technology developed by Deutsche Börse AG

    Taking into account the on going activities of implementation and commercial operation launching of the new trading platform for the Intraday Market, OPCOM provides to the market participants the Trader Manual for the M7 Trading system
    Please consult this documentation in order to access, in the next period, the test environment that will be made available to the Intraday market participants until 23.09.2019, in order to get acquainted with the functionalities of the new M7 Trading platform (in an initial stage with no connection to XBID/SIDC - Single Intra-Day Coupling). The availability of the test environment will be announced through the current Intraday Market trading platform.
    In parallel, OPCOM will organize training sessions for all Intraday Market participants during 7-11.10.2019. The invitation and other details regarding the participation in the training sessions will be sent to each participant in this market.


    • Please refer to the Press Release „The NEMO Committee propose amendments to Algorithm Methodology and ID Product Methodology to support market coupling evolutions”.

    The documents can be found on the NEMO Committee’s website at this link.


    • Today, all NEMOs and all TSOs launched a joint public consultation, pursuant to Article 12 of Commission Regulation (EU) 1222/2015, on Algorithm Methodology review, including algorithm change control and algorithm monitoring, plus Single Intraday Coupling requirements annex amendment for supporting Intraday Auctions, plus Single Intraday Coupling product methodology. The consultation will be open until 2nd July and it is accessible from both the NEMO Committee (www.nemo-committee.eu) and ENTSO-E websites (www.entsoe.eu).

    • Please refer to the Press Release „NEMO Committee announces launch of new website”​

    The documents can be found on the NEMO Committee’s website at this link

    • Please refer to the Decision of the Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators No 08/2018 on the Nominated Electricity Market Operators’ proposal for the price coupling algorithm and for the continuous trading matching algorithm, also incorporating TSO and NEMO proposals for a common set of requirements.

    The document can be found on the ACER website at this link

    • Please refer to the Press Release “European Cross-Border Intraday (XBID) Solution and 10 Local Implementation Projects successful go-live. Nominated Electricity Market Operators (NEMOs) and Transmission System Operators (TSOs) are pleased to announce that XBID was successfully launched on Tuesday 12th June. First deliveries were achieved on Wednesday 13th June. This marks a major milestone in the project and follows several years of complex and intensive development and testing”.

    The document can be found on the ACER website at this link

    • Please refer to the Decision of the Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators No 04/2017 on the Nominated Electricity Market Operators’ proposal for Harmonised Maximum and Minimum Clearing Prices (HMMCP) for Single Day-Ahead Coupling and the Decision of the Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators No 05/2017 on the Nominated Electricity Market Operators’ proposal for Harmonised Maximum and Minimum Clearing Prices (HMMCP) for Single Intra-Day Coupling

    The documents can be found on the ACER website at this link

    CACM Methodologies

    On Monday 13 November 2017 the NEMOs (Nominated Electricity Market Operators) submitted revised proposals on methodologies around the intraday and day-ahead algorithms and related products, as well as backup methodologies, in accordance with the requirements of the CACM (Capacity Allocation and Congestion Management) Regulation.

    National Regulatory Authorities (NRAs) have two months to approve or reject the proposals.

    NEMOs did not submit a revised proposal on minimum and maximum clearing prices, as this was referred to ACER (Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators) by the NRAs over the summer. NEMOs expect a decision from ACER soon.

    Download Attachments

    Algorithm proposal
    Day-ahead requirements
    Backup methodologies
    Day-ahead products proposal
    Intraday algorithm requirements
    Intraday products proposal


    • Please refer to the Press Release “National Regulatory Authorities approve NEMO proposal to establish European Market Coupling Operator functions to further integrate day-ahead and intraday markets (the “MCO Plan”) & Cosimo Campidoglio elected as new Chairperson of NEMO Committee”.

    • Please refer to the document „All NEMO proposal for the MCO Plan

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