List of economic operators who have not fulfilled the obligation to acquire GC fourth quarter 2024
Application of the provisions regarding the maintenance of Green Certificates Market (GCM) participant quality for the economic operators with Green Certificates (GC) purchasing obligation:
We would like to remind you that, in order to maintain the quality of GCM participant with GC purchasing obligation, according to the provisions of art. - b, of the Procedure regarding participants registration to green certificates markets, it is your responsibility to submit, each year by 31st of March at the latest, the Declaration on own responsibility of the legal representative of the economic operator with GC purchasing obligation in accordance with Annex 2 of the Procedure regarding participants registration to green certificates markets.
The model of Declaration on own responsibility of the legal representative of the economic operator with GC purchasing obligation can be downloaded here.
The new limit values for trading green certificates
On 03.01.2025 the average exchange rate established by the National Bank of Romania for the year 2024 was published at the value of 4.9746 lei.
In accordance with Art. 11 of the Law 220/2008, as amended and supplemented, the trading value of green certificates for 2025 is between:
The offers entered into the Trading Platform whose proposed prices do not fall within the legal limit values are not subject to trading.
The new limit values for trading green certificates
On 03.01.2024 the average exchange rate established by the National Bank of Romania for the year 2023 was published at the value of 4.9465 lei.
In accordance with Art. 11 of the Law 220/2008, as amended and supplemented, the trading value of green certificates for 2024 is between:
The offers entered into the Trading Platform whose proposed prices do not fall within the legal limit values are not subject to trading.
IMPORTANT: Calendarul of trading sessions on GCACSM for the year 2024
Updated list of economic operators who have not fulfilled the obligation to acquire GC year 2022
OPCOM submits to public consultation the Green Certificates Markets Participation Agreement, Procedure for the operation of the Green Certificates Anonymous Centralized Spot Market, the Procedure for the operation of the Green Certificates Anonymous Centralized Term Market and market management of bilateral green certificates contracts and the Procedure regarding participants Registration to the Green Certificates Markets, according to ANRE Order no. 57/2023.
Your observations and / or proposals for amendment regarding the implementation of ANRE Order no. 57/2023 is submitted by the address signed by the legal representative of the company, at pcbcv@opcom.ro , until 12.05.2023.
OPCOM submits to public consultation the Procedure for recording in Green Certificates Register of the Green Certificates status, according to ANRE Order no. 59/2023
Your observations and / or proposals for amendment regarding the implementation of ANRE Order no. 59/2023 is submitted by the address signed by the legal representative of the company, at pcbcv@opcom.ro, until 25.04.2023.
Application of the provisions regarding the maintenance of Green Certificates Market (GCM) participant quality for the economic operators with Green Certificates (GC) purchasing obligation:
We would like to remind you that, in order to maintain the quality of GCM participant with GC purchasing obligation, according to the provisions of art. of the Procedure for Registration, Withdrawal, Suspension of Participants to / from the GCM, it is your responsibility to submit, each year by 31st of March at the latest, the Declaration on own responsibility of the legal representative of the economic operator with GC purchasing obligation in accordance with Annex 2 of the Procedure for Registration, Withdrawal, Suspension of Participants to / from the GCM.
The model of Declaration on own responsibility of the legal representative of the economic operator with GC purchasing obligation can be downloaded here
On 03.01.2023 the average exchange rate established by the National Bank of Romania for the year 2022 was published at the value of 4.9315 lei.
In accordance with Art. 11 of the Law 220/2008, as amended and supplemented, the trading value of green certificates for 2023 is between:
The offers entered into the Trading Platform whose proposed prices do not fall within the legal limit values are not subject to trading.
OPCOM submits to public consultation the Procedure for recording in Green Certificates Register of the Green Certificates status, according to ANRE Order no. 96/2022
Your observations and / or proposals for amendment regarding the implementation of ANRE Order no. 96/2022 is submitted by the address signed by the legal representative of the company, at pcbcv@opcom.ro, until 24.07.2022, 12:00 o'clock.
Application of the provisions regarding the maintenance of Green Certificates Market (GCM) participant quality for the economic operators with Green Certificates (GC) purchasing obligation:
We would like to remind you that, in order to maintain the quality of GCM participant with GC purchasing obligation, according to the provisions of art. of the Procedure for Registration, Withdrawal, Suspension of Participants to / from the GCM, it is your responsibility to submit, each year by 31st of March at the latest, the Declaration on own responsibility of the legal representative of the economic operator with GC purchasing obligation in accordance with Annex 2 of the Procedure for Registration, Withdrawal, Suspension of Participants to / from the GCM.
The model of Declaration on own responsibility of the legal representative of the economic operator with GC purchasing obligation can be downloaded here.
On 03.01.2022 the average exchange rate established by the National Bank of Romania for the year 2021 was published at the value of 4.9204 lei.
In accordance with Art. 11 of the Law 220/2008, as amended and supplemented, the trading value of green certificates for 2022 is between:
- Minimum trading value: 144,6598 lei/GC (29.4 euro/GC);
- Maximum trading value: 172,2140 lei/GC (35 euro/GC).
The offers entered into the Trading Platform whose proposed prices do not fall within the legal limit values are not subject to trading.
Observations received from GCM participants – regarding public consultation of procedures regarding the CV trading, according to ANRE Order no. 49/2021.
Centralized table with comments received from GCM participants for the discussion documents published on 30.06.2021
OPCOM submits to public consultation the Green Certificates Market Participation Agreement, according to ANRE Order no. 49/2021..
Your observations and / or proposals for amendment regarding the implementation of ANRE Order no. 49/2021 is submitted by the address signed by the legal representative of the company, at pcbcv@opcom.ro , until 07.07.2021.
OPCOM submits to public consultation the Procedures for the operation of GCACSM and GCACTM and the Procedure regarding participants Registration, Withdrawal, Suspension to / from the Green Certificates Market according to ANRE Order no. 49/2021.
OPCOM submits to public consultation the Procedure for the operation of the Green Certificates Anonymous Centralized Spot Market, the Procedure for the operation of the Green Certificates Anonymous Centralized Term Market and market management of bilateral green certificates contracts and the Procedure regarding participants Registration, Withdrawal, Suspension to / from the Green Certificates Market according to ANRE Order no. 49/2021.
Your observations and / or proposals for amendment regarding the implementation of ANRE Order no. 49/2021 is submitted by the address signed by the legal representative of the company, at pcbcv@opcom.ro , until 07.07.2021.
Application of the provisions regarding the maintenance of Green Certificates Market (GCM) participant quality for the economic operators with Green Certificates (GC) purchasing obligation:
We would like to remind you that, in order to maintain the quality of GCM participant with GC purchasing obligation, according to the provisions of art. of the Procedure for Registration, Withdrawal, Suspension of Participants to / from the GCM, it is your responsibility to submit, each year by 31st of March at the latest, the Declaration on own responsibility of the legal representative of the economic operator with GC purchasing obligation in accordance with Annex 2 of the Procedure for Registration, Withdrawal, Suspension of Participants to / from the GCM.
The model of Declaration on own responsibility of the legal representative of the economic operator with GC purchasing obligation can be downloaded here.
On 04.01.2021 the average exchange rate established by the National Bank of Romania for the year 2020 was published at the value of 4.8371 lei.
In accordance with Art. 11 of the Law 220/2008, as amended and supplemented, the trading value of green certificates for 2021 is between:
OPCOM - GCM - Launch into production for Nasdaq Web Trader application as part of Nasdaq Financial Framework (NFF)
Following the on-line training sessions for the functionalities of Nasdaq Web Trader and Nasdaq Packaged CCP to the participants in CMBC-CN, PCSU, PCGN-LN, DAM-GN, PI-GN and GCM and the end of experimental period, we announce that on 02.06.2020 the new Nasdaq Web Trader trading platform will be launched in production. Nasdaq Web Trader platform will replace the Condico application for the mentioned markets.
The log-in details for connecting to the Nasdaq Web Trader for GCM will be sent to the email addresses submitted for this purpose.
The Nasdaq Web Trader platform will be available during weekdays, from participant’s own terminals using the trading certificate from the market where you are registered on, according to the trading program.
For details and clarifications, you can contact us at the following email / phone addresses:
e-mail: asistentait@opcom.ro , phone: 0213071404;
e-mail: pcbcv@opcom.ro phone: 04.021.3071.484/004.021.3071.740, mobile: 0040 751 250 794/0040 751 148 432
We also mention that you can access the documents regarding Nasdaq Web Trader as follows:
OPCOM - GCM - Experimental period for GCM, starting with 6th of May 2020, for Nasdaq Web Trader application as part of Nasdaq Financial Framework (NFF)
Following the on-line training sessions in order to present the functionalities of Nasdaq Web Trader and Nasdaq Packaged CCP to the CMBC-CN, PCSU, PCGN-LN, DAM-GN, PI-GN and GCM participants, we announce that on 06.05.2020 will begin the new trading platform experimental period, which will replace the Condico application for the mentioned markets.
Compared to the options expressed by the participants in the training sessions through the feedback forms, the following options regarding the duration of the experimental operation period was identified as:
Considering the presented options, the experimental operation period of the NFF will run from 06.05.2020, for a period of 4 weeks.
The data required to connect to the Nasdaq Web Trader for access to experimental period for GCM will be sent to the email addresses communicated for this purpose.
The Nasdaq Web Trader platform will be available during weekdays, from participant’s own terminals using the trading certificate from the market where you are registered on, between 12:00-15:00.
For details and clarifications, you can contact us at the following email / phone addresses:
We also mention that you can access the documents regarding the experimental period as follows::
Communication regarding the transmission of the documents by OPCOM regarding Green Certificate Market during the period of application of the preventive measures for fighting off the infection with COVID-19.
We inform you that in the context of applying the measures to limit the transmission of COVID-19, OPCOM will implement, as of today, 31st of March 2020, the necessary measures for sending specific documents by e-mail, without presenting the holographic signature of OPCOM representatives.
In this regard, we mention the e-mail address from which Green Certificate Market will send the specific documents without holographic signature is pcbcv@opcom.ro and the list of contacts for GCM it is:
The exceptional situation regarding the receiving of the documents regarding the GC trading during the period of application of the preventive measures for fighting off the infection with COVID-19
We inform you that in the context of applying the measures to limit the transmission of COVID-19, if the created situation imposes, OPCOM will implement in its turn the necessary measures for carrying out the activity of organization and administration of the centralized markets managed by OPCOM on remote mode, context in which the communications from market participants / applicants will be made by sending the specific documents by e-mail, without them presenting the holographic signature of their legal representatives.
We refer to the transmission to OPCOM S.A. of the documents regarding the trading on the GCM by the GC participants, respectively of the GC’s agreements for sale-purchase, the requests for blocking the GC, the Confirmations on the own responsibility of the participants selling the GC, but without limiting to the listed these documents, in the context in which the decision to work from home will be taken, without the possibility of going to the office, following the application of preventive measures to combat the infection with COVID-19 and we inform you the following:
We mention that after the exceptional period of application of preventive measures to fighting offcombat the infection with COVID-19 we will revertturn to applying the provisions of the Regulation for organization and functioning of the Green Certificates Market, approved by the ANRE Order no. 77/2017, including subsequent amendments and additions. The documents received during this period without a holographic signature will have to be sent back to OPCOM S.A. assumed by the legal representatives of the GCM participants or if a specific procedure for this purpose will be decided by ANRE, that procedure will apply.
Information regarding the receipt of documents related to GC trading during the period of application of the preventive measures for combating the infection with COVID-19.
During the period of application of the preventive measures to combat the infection with COVID-19, the documents regarding the GC trading such as the GC Blocking Requests, the Confirmations on the own responsibility of the GC sales participants, but not limited to them, are sent to OPCOM by e-mail to pcbcv@opcom.ro, scanned, assumed by signature by the legal representative of the market participant or his authorized persons, marked with the date of transmission to OPCOM and with registration number from the issuing company, only from the addresses e-mail notifications for maintaining the connection with GCM.
We mention that according to the provisions of the procedures applied at the OPCOM level as an Operator of the Green Certificates Market, the company stamp is not compulsory for validating the document's conformity.
Application of the provisions regarding the maintenance of Green Certificates Market (GCM) participant quality for the economic operators with Green Certificates (GC) purchasing obligation:
We would like to remind you that, in order to maintain the quality of GCM participant with GC purchasing obligation, according to the provisions of art. of the Procedure for Registration, Withdrawal, Suspension of Participants to / from the GCM, it is your responsibility to submit, each year by 31st of March at the latest, the Declaration on own responsibility of the legal representative of the economic operator with GC purchasing obligation in accordance with Annex 2 of the Procedure for Registration, Withdrawal, Suspension of Participants to / from the GCM.
The model of Declaration on own responsibility of the legal representative of the economic operator with GC purchasing obligation can be downloaded here.
On 03.01.2020 the average exchange rate established by the National Bank of Romania for the year 2019 was published at the value of 4,7452 lei.
In accordance with Art. 11 of the Law 220/2008, as amended and supplemented, the trading value of green certificates for 2020 is between:
- Minimum trading value: 139,5089 lei / GC (29,4 euro / GC);
- Maximum trading value: 166,0820 lei / GC (35 euro / GC).
The offers entered into the Trading Platform whose proposed prices do not fall within the legal limit values are not subject to trading.
IMPORTANT: Information about the trading sessions on GCACSM to be held in April 2019
In accordance with the provisions of Article I, 4 of the Romanian Energy Regulatory Authority – (ANRE) Order no. 46/2019 on the amendment and completion of the "Regulation for Organizing and Functioning of the Green Certificates Market", the calendar of trading sessions on Centralized Anonymous Spot Market for Green Certificates (GCACSM) to be held in April 2019 is the following:
• Trading days
I. Friday, April 12, 2019;
II. Monday, April 15, 2019;
III. Tuesday, April 16, 2019;
IV. Wednesday, April 17, 2019;
V. Thursday, April 18, 2019;
• The stage to submitting offers of each trading session runs from 09:00 to 11:00 in each of the five trading days on GCACSM.
Nr.crt | Period | PMP |
1 | 1 January - 31 July 2018 | 134.3021 |
2 | 1 August- 31 December 2018 | 134.3021 |
Summary of options expressed during public consultation period on frequency for organizing trading sessions on GCACSM with allocation of traded GCs proportionally with the offered GCs.
Trading sessions frequency | Trading session day | Votes YES | Votes NO |
Once at every two weeks |
Every Wednesday on trading week |
43 |
12 |
Weekly |
Every Wednesday on trading week |
14 |
40 |
Another proposal at your choice |
Every working day |
0 |
15 |
Every Tuesday and Thursday on trading week/ Two trading sessions weekly |
5 |
Two trading sessions weekly or often |
1 |
Once on month, on Wednesday/ Monthly |
2 |
Once at every two weeks on Thursday |
1 |
Monthly, every Wednesday after 15th of month |
32 |
Twice on week (Monday/Thursday) / Twice on week |
2 |
During the mandatory quarterly quota fulfillment, respectively on April, July, September, January and on March for mandatory yearly quota fulfillment, we propose a trading session on each week. |
3 |
Public consultation period: 14.01 – 28.01.2019
Number of responding undertakings: 101 GCs Market participants.
The result of public consultation was notified towards ANRE in order to be considered for amendment of provisions of „Regulation for organization and functioning of the Green Certificates Market”, approved by the ANRE Order no.77 / 2017, with all subsequent modifications and adding.
Having in view the results of the trading sessions organized in accordance with the provisions of Art. V alin. (2) of ANRE’s president Order No. 178/24.10.2018 on Spot Market for Green Certificates (PCSCV), that are presented below:
PCSCV trading sessions |
11th of December 2018 |
20th of December 2018 |
10th of January 2019 |
Number of participants with sell offers |
141 |
134 |
140 |
Number of sellers in trades |
138 |
127 |
137 |
Number of participants with buy offers |
4 |
5 |
12 |
Number of buyers in trades |
4 |
5 |
12 |
Number of trades |
1,002 |
1,102 |
1,110 |
Number of traded GCs |
16,790 |
18,220 |
65,938 |
Number of invoices related to trades concluded |
180 |
160 |
220 |
At the same time, having in view the volume of activities and documents to be worked out at by the market participants and OPCOM as well following each trading session organized on PCSCV in the above-mentioned conditions, we submit to public consultation The Questionnaire for collecting opinions on frequency for organizing trading sessions on PCSCV with allocation of traded CV proportionally with the offered GCs.
In order to notify ANRE on public consultation result, please send us your answer to Questionnaire no later than Monday, 28.01.2019, at pcbcv@opcom.ro .14.01.2019
Application of the provisions regarding the maintenance of Green Certificates Market (GCM) participant quality for the economic operators with Green Certificates (GC) purchasing obligation:
We would like to remind you that, in order to maintain the quality of GCM participant with GC purchasing obligation, according to the provisions of art. of the Procedure for Registration, Withdrawal, Suspension of Participants to / from the GCM, it is your responsibility to submit, each year by 31st of March at the latest, the Declaration on own responsibility of the legal representative of the economic operator with GC purchasing obligation in accordance with Annex 2 of the Procedure for Registration, Withdrawal, Suspension of Participants to / from the GCM.
On 03.01.2019 the average exchange rate established by the National Bank of Romania for the year 2018 was published at the value of 4,6535 lei.
In accordance with Art. 11 of the Law 220/2008, as amended and supplemented, the trading value of green certificates for 2019 is between:
- Minimum trading value: 136,8129 lei / GC (29,4 euro / GC);
- Maximum trading value: 162,8725 lei / GC (35 euro / GC).
The offers entered into the Trading Platform whose proposed prices do not fall within the legal limit values are not subject to trading.
Simulation of GC allocation proportional to the existing sales offers in the market at the end of the bidding stage from November 21, 2018.
For the presented example, the valid orders remained in the market at the end of the bidding stage of the trading session on November 21, 2018 were used.
This simulation responds to the clarification request sent by PATRES - Professional Organization of Renewable Energy Producers.
Considering the provisions of Article V, paragraph (2) of the Romanian Energy Regulatory Authority – (ANRE) Order no. 178/2018 on the amendment and completion of the "Regulation for Organizing and Functioning of the Green Certificates Market", OPCOM informs market participants about the trading sessions on Centralized Anonymous Spot Market for Green Certificates (GCACSM) to be held in December 2018 as follows:
Considering the entry into force as of December 1st, 2018 of a new version of the GCM Participation Convention, updated according to ANRE Order no. 178/2018, which will be published on the OPCOM website on November 29, 2018, we submit to the market participants the following applicable provisions of the GCM Participation Convention:
8.1. [...]
8.2. If the text of the Convention is revised but the revised form is not accepted by the Participant to the GCM, it may decide to terminate the Convention unilaterally with prior written notice. Termination of the effects of the Convention will occur within 5 (five) working days from the date of receipt of the notification at "OPCOM" S.A., the Convention being applied in this unadjusted version.
8.3. If, within 5 (five) working days of the date of public notice of the amendment of the Convention, the Participant to the GCM does not unilaterally denounce the Convention, the Participant to the GCM shall be deemed to be fully entitled to the Convention in force to participate in the GCM by being subject to all the provisions of the current version."
Complying with the applicable provisions, OPCOM informs market participants of the following:
The Validation of the buying offers for the first Trading Session of August 2017 will be done compared to the corresponding values displayed on the website of OPCOM, at the end of 14.08.2017
Next trading session on centralized Green Certificates Market:
• Days in the Bidding Interval are 16, 17, 18 August 2017
The period in which offers for transaction are received every day in the Bidding interval is 9:00-14:00
• The Trading Day is on 21.08.2017
• Number of GC available for transaction on GCM at 14.08.2017: 9,639,178
It was published the User’ Guide, for the software RegCV that is used for online consultation of the Green Certificates Register by the market participants.
OPCOM SA completed the process of implementig and testing the functionalities of the Green Certificates Register in order to give access to the participants on green Certificates Market, at their green certificates accounts in the Register
Staring with 07/01/2015, the market participants may request acces to the accounts held in the Green Certificates Register by means of application signed by their legal representatives or authorized persons, communicating also the name and the contact data of the assigned persons for receiving the information required to install the software on their workstations and login information required to consult their accounts in the Green Gertificates Register.
The applications requesting the accesss can be sent to fax : 021 3071 400 or e-mail addresses secretariat@opcom.ro or pcbcv@opcom.ro.
Referitor la aplicarea prevederilor Ordinului preşedintelui ANRE nr. 7/05.02.2014 privind modificarea anexei la Ordinul preşedintelui ANRE nr. 88/11.12.2013 pentru aprobarea tarifului reglementat practicat de operatorul pieţei de energie electrică, vă informăm că în calitate de Participant la Piața de Certificate Verzi, trebuie să transmiteți în cel mai scurt timp, o ”Declarație pe propria răspundere”, din care să rezulte că societatea dumneavoastră se încadrează sau nu se încadrează în categoria operatorilor economici care au obligaţia de achiziţie de Certificate Verzi, cărora le sunt aplicabile exclusiv prevederile art. 8 alin. (1) lit. b) şi/sau c) din Legea nr. 220/27.10.2008 pentru stabilirea sistemului de promovare a producerii energiei din surse regenerabile de energie, republicată, cu modificările şi completările ulterioare:
Art. 8 - (1) Cantitatea de energie electrică pentru care se stabileşte obligaţia de achiziţie de certificate verzi include:
b) energia electrică utilizată pentru consum final propriu, altul decât consumul propriu tehnologic, de către un producător de energie electrică;
c) energia electrică utilizată de un producător pentru alimentarea cu energie electrică a consumatorilor racordaţi prin linii directe de centrala electrică.
Declaraţiile se vor face prin completarea formularului ”Declarație pe propria răspundere” alăturat şi vor fi transmise pe e-mail la adresa pcv@opcom.ro.